Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Autism Spectrum Condition?
Autism is a lifelong developmental condition which affects the ability of the individual in two main areas: social communication and interaction, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities.
Further detailed information about Autism can be found on the AMAZE website www.amaze.org.au and Autism Spectrum Australia www.autismspectrum.org.au/
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly experiences high levels of anxiety, and it is interfering with their daily life, an anxiety disorder might be diagnosed. Anxiety disorders form a category of mental health diagnoses that lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry.
How do I make an appointment?
If you are a new client please complete the ‘Enquiries’ form on our website.
Do I need a referral?
You do not require a doctor’s referral to attend the clinic, however if you wish to claim a rebate from Medicare you will need a referral from your GP, Paediatrician or Psychiatrist prior to your appointment. Please visit our fees and rebates page for further information.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Please bring along your referral (if you have one) and any relevant reports that you may have from previous assessments.
What is your cancellation policy?
At The Kidd Clinic we have a strict cancellation policy so please consider this prior to engaging our services.
You can cancel or reschedule your session by emailing admin@kiddclinic.com.au or calling 08 6237 7940 if you are unable to attend.
We require at least 2 business days' notice for the cancellation of any booked appointment otherwise the session fee will be charged. Appointments that are cancelled on weekends or on public holidays by voicemail or email may be charged the cancellation fee as they cannot be actioned until the next business day, often leaving us without enough time to re-book the session.
The fee will be invoiced to you or your plan manager when 48 hours/2 business days’ notice of non-attendance is not provided.
All clients who have a mobile contact number receive an SMS reminder 48 hours prior to a booked appointment. If you are unable to attend, please call or email the clinic ASAP after receipt of your SMS on business days. Please do not rely on these text reminders to cancel your bookings as these sometimes arrive on weekends. The cancellation policy is applicable to all types of appointments.
This charge cannot be claimed through Medicare or your Private Health fund.
Where else can I find help?
Other resources available to you within Australia include:
beyondblue: the national depression initiative
1300 22 4636 or www.beyondblue.org.au
Information on depression, anxiety and related disorders, available treatments and where to get help.
beyondblue’s website for young people – information on depression, anxiety and how to help a friend.
13 11 14
Counselling, information and referral.
SANE Australia Helpline
1800 18 7263 or www.sane.org.au
Information about mental illness symptoms, treatments, where to go for support and help for carers.
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
Counselling for children and young people aged between five and 25.
MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78
Support for men and their families.
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467 or www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
Telephone support and online resources for those at risk of suicide, their carers and those bereaved by suicide.
Carers Australia
1800 242 636 or www.carersaustralia.com.au
Family carer support and counselling in each state and territory.
headspace – Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Information, support and help for young people.
Black Dog Institute
Information about depression and bipolar disorder.