Fees & Rebates
Effective from December 2022
The Kidd Clinic is a private clinic and fees for services apply. The current fee schedule is listed below, however this is subject to change without notice. Please contact us for details about fees for other services, such as presentations and school visits.
Session Fees
Fees for all services vary by clinician. Please contact us for more information.
An individualised quote will be provided following a Pre-Assessment Consultation.
Pre-assessment consultation (50-80mins) | $300
Training, Workshops and Presentations
To enquire about our custom Professional Learning services, email training@kiddclinic.com.au.
This section is important to read as it will keep your costs down. We send courtesy SMS reminders a few days prior to appointments, however we still expect clients to remember their appointments and arrive on time.
You can Email admin@kiddclinic.com.au or call 08 6237 7940 to reschedule or cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend.
We require at least 48 hours notice in order to offer appointments to other clients on the waiting list. Clients who fail to turn up to their appointment or cancel within 48 business hours of their appointment will be charged the full appointment fee.
This charge cannot be claimed through Medicare or your Private Health fund.
Medicare Rebates for Psychology Services
Some psychological therapy and assessment services are eligible for partial rebates from Medicare. An overview of the requirements for eligibility is provided below with web links for further information.
You will need to pay the full amount of the consultation fee when booking your session or on the day at your session (cash or debit/ credit card accepted). Your claim will then be lodged through Medicare and if accepted you will receive your rebate into your cheque or savings account.
You will need to determine whether you are going to claim your session fees through either one of the Medicare programs or their Private Health fund. Please note that Private Health funds vary widely in the amount of rebate that can be claimed and you should contact your insurer about this. You are unable to use Medicare and your Private Health insurance for the same consultation.
Unfortunately some of our clients have attended a session at our clinic for either therapy or an assessment under the wrong impression that their referral was valid for a Medicare rebate. When you visit your Health Professional please be very clear what you are seeking (see below) and ask them to write a referral letter stating exactly what type of Psychological service is required and to quote the item number so that we are able to bill you accordingly.
Mental Health Care Plan (Better Access Initiative)
This plan must be obtained through a General Practitioner (GP), Paediatrician, or Psychiatrist. We would appreciate that this paperwork is forwarded by email (admin@kiddclinic.com.au) prior to your first consultation to assist with the administration of your billing.
The plan allows you to claim a rebate for up to 10 sessions in a calendar year. A review by the referring GP, Paediatrician, or Psychiatrist is required after the first 6 sessions.
For more information visit the Services Australia website.
The Medicare Safety Net is designed to protect high users of health services from large out-of-pocket expenses. More information can be found on the Medicare website.
Medicare rebates for Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) (Helping Children with Autism package)
A number of services specific to children with Autism or other Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) are eligible for Medicare rebates if they are provided as part of a Diagnosis and/or Treatment Plan established by a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist.
PDD Assessment Plan for Diagnostic Assessment
Psychologists can provide a total of four services per child to collaborate with a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist on the assessment and diagnosis of Autism and PDDs. The child must be under 13 years old and have been referred by a Paediatrician who has provided any MBS service covering items 110 through to 131, or a Psychiatrist who has provided any MBS service covering items 296 through to 370 (except item 359). At The Kidd Clinic this item only covers the young person’s diagnostic assessment session with a Psychologist.
Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder or Eligible Disabilities Plan (previously Helping Children With Autism Plan)
Psychologists can provide intervention services following diagnosis of Autism or any other PDD. The child must be under 15 years old, and must have been under 13 years at the time the Treatment plan was prepared. This plan can be prepared by a Paediatrician (MBS item 135) or a Psychiatrist (MBS item 289). Twenty services in total are eligible for the Medicare rebate - any combination of Psychology, Speech or Occupational Therapy.
If you would like more information about these Medicare services, Amaze has prepared a useful client information sheet – click here to be taken to their website.
Private Health Insurance Rebates
Some psychological therapy services may be eligible for rebates through your Private Health Insurance extras cover. Please contact your insurance provider to confirm your eligibility for rebates. Upon payment of your fees, The Kidd Clinic can provide you with a receipt that you can submit to your health insurer for a rebate. Please let us know at the time of payment if you would like the private health care code added to your receipt.
Clients must determine whether they are going to claim their consultation/assessment fees through either one of the Medicare programs or their Private Health fund. Please note that Private Health funds vary widely in the amount of rebate that can be claimed and you should contact your insurer about this. You are unable to use Medicare and your Private Health insurance for the same consultation.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Clients who have NDIS packages may use their funding to cover or partially cover the fees for services at The Kidd Clinic only if their package is self-managed or plan-managed by a third party. The Psychologists at The Kidd Clinic are not registered providers of services under the NDIS. Therefore, clients who have packages managed directly by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) are unable to use their NDIS funds to pay for services at The Kidd Clinic.