My Sensory Experience Support Pack

Sensory experiences are unique to each individual. This program is designed to empower individuals to understand and manage their sensory experiences, fostering self-advocacy and well-being across environments.

Session 1 & 2: Exploring Your Unique Sensory Experience.

  • Utilise the neuro-affirming MYSET card sorting tool across initial sessions.

  • Identify initial strategies and tools and sensory accommodations.

  • Recognise daily activities impacted by your sensory differences.

Session 3:

  • Environmental Audit: Assess specific challenging areas (workplace, classroom, home, community) for potential modifications and accommodations that can be made.

  • Family or Couples Sessions:  OT support to begin problem-solving the challenges stemming from living with a partner, child or parent with differing sensory preferences and sensitivities to you.

Session 4: 

  • Fitting sensory strategies into your everyday routines.

  • Collate strategies into a sensory safety plan.

Report Writing (1.5 hours):

  • Sensory Profile 2: Complete standardised assessment questions (SP2) and receive a written report outlining your sensory profile patterns and recommendations for helpful purchases of various sensory tools. 

  • Letter of Support: For sensory tools and items.

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